
My name is Martijn de Jong, on the internet also known as martdj. I currently work as a HCL consultant for e-office. The past 24 years I’ve been working with and teaching in IBM Notes/Domino. For the last 10 years I’ve been working with IBM Connections in some pretty large environments (previous environments, 35K users and 22K users, current 3.5K users). In a recent assignment, I’m working with HCL DX and HCL Leap. I like to write technical articles and speak at conferences. In the past I’ve been a speaker on Lotusphere, NLUG, BLUG, Social Connections and Engage. You can find some of the presentations that I created for these events on my slideshare page.

For my work in the HCL community, I was awarded the honorary title of HCL Ambassador in 2020, which has been renewed every year since.

Despite the fact that I’m currently doing more in the area of administration, I’m at heart still a developer, so I use every chance I get to do some scripting :-).

Next to my work I’m a father, an avid sports climber and I perform in musicals either as a singer or as a violin player. I also spend a considerable part of my spare time on a community project: Building a housing cooperation in Amsterdam called “Stroom”.